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Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2018

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Percaya dengan Al Quran? Al Quran bisa membantu mencerdaskan. Membaca AL Quran sebagian besar hanya membaca arabnya dan tidak membaca terjemahannya.Coba sesekali membaca terjemahannya juga. Dan sambil membaca terjemahannya dicocokkan dan di ingat-ingat keseharian kita. saya kasih contoh di mulai dengan surat Al Fatihah Bismilla_hir rahma_nir rahim(i). Dengan menyebut nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang. Cobalah bertanya kepada diri sendiri Kenapa harus menyebut nama Allah dalam segala hal kenapa bukan lainnya? kenapa Allah Maha Pemurah Pengasih Penyayang? walaupun kita banyak dosa banyak salah,Allah tidak membeda bedakan kepada umat ciptaanNya,Allah masih mengasihi walaupun kita salah berdosa tidak menjalankan perintahnya Alhamdu lilla_hi rabbil 'a_lamin(a). Segala puji bagi Allah, Tuhan semesta alam. Dan pertannyaan kita juga dapt jawaban di ayat ini dan kita di ajarkan bersyukur/memuji karena Allah sudah memberikan alam semesta ini untuk kita manfaatkan. Ar rahma_nir

Kadang Tidak Perlu Obat

Sewaktu di Indramayu di tahun kedua saya mulai mengobati dengan herbal pada kasus tertentu. Suatu ketika saya di datangi pasien haid yang abnormal atau setiap hari keluar terus dan ibu guru ini katanya sedih setiap harinya harus menderita tersebut. Kalau pasien herbal beberapa yang saya anggap perlu saya beri tambahan air doa. 3-4 kali pertemuan Alhamdulillah ibu di beri kesembuhan. Nah setelah pertemuan dengan ibu ini lupa yang keberapa saya terasa capek dan minta orang arahan untuk dipijat dengan cara dinjak injak(sebetulnya siwut nama panggilan orang ini sudah bilang,dok saya gak bisa mijat dan saya bilang gak papa. Kemudian setelah dipijat dengan cara di injak-injak saya tidur badan kok mulai terasa dingin dan beberapa hari kemudian tangan sebelah kiri saya mulai sakit. Kemudian saya obati anti nyeri dan tidak ada efeknya malah semakin hari semakin nyeri terasa diremas-remas. Pas saya libur ke Solo saya menemui guru Tahuid saya yang sudah saya anggap sebagai bapak. Tangan saya dipi

Cerita Serem Malam Jumat

Malam jumat Dulu di indramayu masih sangat kental dg mistis,kadang orang sakit di kasih jala atau depan rumahnya juga di kasih jala. Disana setiap dusun ada buyut atau tempat kramat sesepuh jaman dulu. Disana terutama tempat tinggal saya dulu masih terdengar cerita buto ijo,tempat pesugihan cerita cerita mistis. Saya dulu rumah saya depannya persis adalah kuburan besar dan disitu sering terjadi cerita hantu yang nyata dalam artian orang desa pernah ditemui hal hal ghoib. Rumah yang saya kontrak juga ada hantunya atau setannya. Setiap penyewa disitu paling lama seminggu dua minggu tidak tahan dan pindah. Disitu ada hantu wanita pakai kemben yang kadang siang siang saja menemui penghuninya. Alhamdulillah selama tiga tahun disitu saya belum pernah ditemui. Cuma pertama tidur disitu saya bermimpi diikuti pendekar wanita dia bergerak secepat kilat layaknya film2 silat. Beliau wanita cantik berbaju pendekar berbaju hijau. Tapi ketika saya mimpi, saya di keroyok sama beberapa orang dan saya d

Medical Treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

There is no cure for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). However, it is essential for sufferers to use treatment in order to manage their symptoms and to prevent possible worsening. With the right treatment, most people with this digestive disease can lead a normal life. Various lifestyle changes should help you feel much better, but usually doctors recommend the use of medications as well. Different types of medicines are used to relieve the different symptoms. Constipation which is one of the major symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome is typically treated with laxatives. Osmotic laxatives work by keeping and attracting additional fluid to the intestine. Stimulant laxatives stimulate the faster move of the stool through the intestine. Other commonly prescribed medications for constipation include lubiprostone and polyethylene glycol. The former increases the amount of fluid in the intestine while the latter increases the amount of fluid in the stool. You may have to try several drugs befo

Complementary Therapies and Lifestyle Changes for Crohn's Disease

Typically, Crohn's disease is treated with medications that reduce the inflammation of the affected part of the gastrointestinal tract, allow for its healing and provide relief from the symptoms. In addition to the medications patients take, they are often recommended to use complementary therapies and to modify their lifestyle. These things are necessary in order to keep the patient as healthy as possible and to prevent the aggravation of the symptoms. Diet modification and the intake of nutritional supplements may be necessary if Crohn's disease affects the absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream. Patients with such a problem have to eat foods which are high in calories and high in protein. The intake of protein supplements and other dietary supplements may improve their condition further. In some cases, it may be necessary for a sufferer to receive nutrients intravenously, but this is rare and typically does not last for long. Vitamins and minerals are usually prescribe

Ulcerative Colitis Causes and Risk Factors

Along with Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis is among the two major types of inflammatory bowel disease. This digestive disease causes serious symptoms and requires medical treatment so that the affected part of the gastrointestinal tract can continue to function normally. Use this guide to find out all about this condition and its causes and what puts you at greater risk of developing it. Ulcerative colitis, often called UC for short, is characterized by inflammation of the lining of the large intestine and the formation of sores in it. These sores are called ulcers. Usually, this digestive disease does not affect the entire colon, but remains concentrated in the lower part of the colon (the sigmoid colon) and the rectum. If the condition affects all of it, then the symptoms will be more severe. The precise causes of ulcerative colitis are not known. So far, researchers have discovered that people with this digestive disease have immune system abnormalities. That is why they sus

Digestive Diseases - Learn All about Short Bowel Syndrome

People with short bowel syndrome require adequate and timely treatment in order to sustain their life. This digestive disease is characterized by the inability of the intestine to absorb sufficient amounts of water and nutrients. This is typically due to the removal of more than half of the intestine because of another disease or injury to the gastrointestinal tract. Removal of more than half of the intestine is the main cause of short bowel syndrome. The surgical removal may have been due to folding of part of the intestine into another part, Crohn's disease, cancer, damage to the intestine caused by cancer treatment or bowel injury. It is also possible for the disease to occur in people who have intestine of full length. In such cases, the cause is a disease or injury which prevents the intestine from functioning at its full capacity. The main symptom of short bowel syndrome is diarrhea. This symptom can easily lead to dehydration. In the longer term, the patient can become malno

Digestive Diseases - The Main Symptoms of GERD Explained

A patient that experiences acid reflux more than two times a week is considered to have GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). This is one of the most common digestive diseases. It is not considered serious as it does not affect the overall health of the sufferer at least in the short term. However, its symptoms can cause major discomfort and even disrupt the daily life of the person. Find out all about the symptoms of this condition so that you know when to see a doctor. Heartburn is the main symptom of GERD. This symptom is often used interchangeably with the name of the condition. This is because heartburn is easy to feel and can cause great discomfort. In its essence, heartburn is a burning pain. It usually occurs in the abdomen and moves to the area right under the middle of the rib cage. Then it goes up the chest and may reach the throat. The pain may be mild, moderate or severe. In case of severe heartburn, the sufferer may mistake it even for a heart attack. Regurgitation is a

Medical Treatments for GERD

Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD is one of the most common digestive diseases. Once you have been diagnosed with it, the doctor will recommend the most appropriate treatment for you. There are a number of treatments available for this particular disease. Your doctor will make their recommendation based on the severity and persistence of your symptoms. Antacids These medications are designed to neutralize the acid that goes from the stomach up the esophagus. Their purpose is to relieve the main symptom of GERD - heartburn. They are not designed to prevent the actual acid reflux. In general, antacids offer short-term symptom relief. They should not be used for long as they may cause diarrhea or constipation. The more modern antacids that offer a combination of magnesium hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide should prevent these side effects. This is the reason why most doctors recommend them. Other Medications Your doctor will recommend other medicines for the treatment of GERD, if ant

Irritable Bowel Syndrome and its Causes

It has been found that one in every five people in the US alone suffers from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). This is one of the most common digestive diseases affecting the adult population. In around half of the cases, it occurs before the age of 35. Irritable bowel syndrome is a disorder of the intestines. It is characterized by bloating, abdominal cramping and constipation or diarrhea. IBS is an ongoing condition. Symptoms can come and go. They may be mild, moderate or severe. One particularly important thing to note is that the symptoms do not get worse with time. More importantly, this digestive disease has not been found to cause damage to the gastrointestinal tract. It does not lead to more serious conditions including Crohn's disease and cancer. Extensive research is done to determine the causes of irritable bowel syndrome, but researchers do not have a clear answer yet. There are some theories which have been supported by research evidence to a great extent. It is worth lo

Digestive Diseases - How are Peptic Ulcers Treated?

It is important for peptic ulcers to get treated early. This will reduce the risk of them causing damage to the stomach and the upper part of the small intestine. Medications are the main form of treatment and they usually work quite well, especially if they are combined with lifestyle modifications. Rarely, more complex medical treatment may be required. Medications Antibiotics are used to treat peptic ulcers when they are caused by H. pylori bacteria. Your doctor may prescribe a combination of antibiotics to destroy the bacteria. This will allow for the natural healing of the stores. Medications that reduce stomach acid production are typically part of the treatment of peptic ulcers. Your doctor may recommend a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) medication. Another option is a histamine receptor blocker (H2 blocker). The reduced production of acid helps to protect the lining of the stomach and the upper part of the small intestine so that the sores heal more quickly. Antacids may be prescri

Lifestyle Changes to Treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Many people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) use medications to manage their symptoms. These usually work well, but it is highly recommended to make some modifications to your lifestyle so that you can get the best possible result from treatment. In many cases, people feel much better and experience only mild symptoms much less frequently just with basic home treatment. This is certainly the better option if it works effectively for you, as there are no side effects and possible health risks involved. Diet changes can help you cope with most of the major irritable bowel syndrome symptoms. Increasing the amount of fiber which you consume should provide you with long-term relief from constipation. It will help you have regular bowel movements and pass stools easily. Fiber is found in a variety of foods which you should include in your diet. Whole grain foods, beans, vegetables such as green peas and spinach and fruits like apples, pears and raspberries are all excellent sources of fib

Ulcerative Colitis Symptoms and Diagnosis

It is essential for individuals with symptoms of ulcerative colitis to seek medical attention and to get diagnosed early. If this digestive disease is not treated, it may lead to serious complications some of which are lethal. Additionally, the inflammation and ulcers of the lining of the large intestine can cause major discomfort and disrupt the daily life of sufferers. With adequate treatment in place, the condition can be managed effectively. The main symptoms of ulcerative colitis are abdominal discomfort and diarrhea. The discomfort can be characterized by cramps, pain and bloating. The diarrhea occurs because the lining of the colon cannot sufficiently absorb the fluid from stools. Blood and pus can often been found in the liquid stools. In general, rectal bleeding is also common. It is worth noting that these major symptoms are usually cyclical. They appear unexpectedly and last for different periods of time before they go away on their own. Only in about 5 to 10 per cent of the

Digestive Diseases - Treatment for Crohn's Disease

Regrettably, there is no cure for Crohn's disease. However, with the right treatment, the symptoms of the condition can be managed effectively. More importantly, the affected part of the gastrointestinal tract can be protected from damage that can lead to further complications. Your doctor will recommend the most appropriate treatment for you depending on the severity of your symptoms and on any complications which may be present. Medication Treatment Your doctor may prescribe medications to provide relief from diarrhea and abdominal cramping. These may be the only medications prescribed to individuals with mild symptoms who have not suffered any damage their gastrointestinal tract. These may also be recommended along with other medications for the relief of these specific symptoms. Anti-inflammatory drugs are most often prescribed to patients with Crohn's disease. They reduce the inflammation and stimulate the healing of the affected part of the gastrointestinal tract. As the

What is Celiac Disease and What Causes it?

From a medical point of view, celiac disease is one of the most common digestive diseases. It has been estimated that 1 in every 133 people in the United States alone has it. This is a very serious condition that may lead to further health problems if it is not diagnosed and treated timely. It is certainly worth learning about its nature and causes. Celiac disease causes damage of the small intestine. This is done in a fairly complex way which has to be explained in detail. Everything starts with gluten. This is a protein found in many foods that we eat and more specifically, in some grains. It may also be present in pills and cosmetic products like lip balms. In patients with celiac disease, the immune system attacks the gluten and causes harm to the small intestine. To be specific, the immune system damages and destroys the villi. These are the thin extensions of tissue on the inner walls the small intestine. The villi are extremely important as nutrients get into the blood stream th

Alternative Cancer Treatment - The Most Widely Used Methods

The traditional forms of cancer treatment do not always produce the desired results. In some cases they can be insufficient while in others they can be completely ineffective. These are the main reasons why patients often seek alternative cancer treatment methods. It is worth looking at some of the most popular alternative therapies. It should be pointed out that these are not formally recognized by mainstream medicine. In this respect, their safety and effectiveness are not fully evaluated. This means that no one can guarantee you that these methods will help. Chinese medicine provides some forms of cancer treatment. Perhaps the most commonly used method is acupuncture, which is supposed to heal directly certain organs in the body. Chinese herbal medicines can also be used. In some cases, different types of massages are applied, even though these are mostly used for symptom relief. Qi Gong is another popularly used technique. Ayurveda, traditional Indian medicine, can be used for the

Cancer Risk and Alcohol Consumption - Is There a Link?

We know that smoking increase the risk of certain types of cancer and primarily lung cancer, significantly. Recent studies have suggested that the same is applicable to drinking alcohol. The natural question to ask here is whether alcohol consumption increases the cancer risk. A recent research has come up with disturbing results. It links alcohol consumption to an increased level of risk of breast, liver, throat, mouth, rectum and esophagus cancer. This is quite disturbing, indeed. In addition, other studies support the results. Despite these findings, there is no clear link established between drinking and the development of malignant tumors in the body. Furthermore, there is no explanation of exactly how alcohol affects these organs and their cells in particular. Another interesting fact to note is that the different types of liquor seem to pose the same level of cancer risk. However, we know that drinks with lower alcohol levels are less dangerous in general. Another interesting fa

Other Kinds of Cancer - Learn about Other Common Conditions

Lung cancer, bowel cancer and breast cancer are in the top of the list of the most common types of cancer. However, a malignant tumor can be formed in almost any part of the body. It can affect organs and glands as well as different tissues. It is worth learning more about other kinds of cancer as well. Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer. It fact, in some countries, such as the US it is more common even than breast cancer. Still, in many Asian and African countries this condition does not have high incidence. This kind of cancer affects the prostate gland, situated under the bladder in men. Its causes remain unknown, but researchers have found that the high-calorie diet rich in fats contributes greatly to the risk of developing the condition. The most common prostate cancer symptoms that occur in the early stages of the tumor development include frequent urgency to urinate and difficulty starting and stopping the urine flow. Burning and pain during urination are

Skin Cancer Exam - How to Do It by Yourself

Skin cancer is perhaps the most common type of cancer. It has been estimated that around one million people are diagnosed with the condition each year in the US alone. The good news is that the disease is treatable, especially when it is diagnosed in the early stages of the development of the tumor. For this reason, regular examinations are essential. It is perfectly possible for you to do a skin cancer exam by yourself, so that you can notice any abnormalities on time. Then you can readily have your physician perform a professional examination. In order to do the skin cancer exam, you have to know what to look for. The skin cancer tumors closely resemble moles. However, they vary from regular moles in many ways. Your main goal is to identify any new skin growths, because tumors usually appear on unmarked spots. The growths you are looking for are characterized by irregular edges. The boarder is not perfectly smooth, which is typical for regular moles. It is usually jagged. The color o

Air Terjun Slampir- Tracking ala Hutan

Air terjun Slampir masih berdekatan dengan Nongko Ijo,Dungus Madiun. Setelah melewati Nongo Ijo silahkan ikuti jalan yang ke atas yang juga mengarah ke Telaga Ngebel. Setelah 3 km an akan sampai ke pintu masuk pertama dan jalan kesana cukup satu mobil saja. Untungnya kemarin tidak berpapasan dengan mobil lain. Setelah melewati jalan itu sekitar 500 meter akan sampai ke pintu utama untuk menuju Pancuran atau air terjun Slampir. Sampai lokasi tempat parkir mobil sangat minim dan hanya muat beberapa mobil. Mungkin kalau bisa gak akan ada parkirnya,apalagi melewati rute setelah dari pintu pertama ke pintu utama sudah tidak mencukupi. Pintu utama tidak berbayar alias gratis padahal itu pas 1 januari 2018,jadi mungkin memang gratis. Kemudia kami bersama 3 anak kecil masuk dan alamnya masih bagus laykanya seperti hutan dan segar. Untuk menuju ke sana jalan menurun dan kurang lebih 1 km. Tapi ini menyenangkan karena anak-anak senang. Setelah sampai sungai dan ada pancuran kecil,ternyata Air Ma

dr.Kiyato.,MM - Bekasi

Alamat email  * Nama dr.Kiyato.,MM Umur 42 Alamat rumah Corsica residence No.86 Jatimulya,Kab.Bekasi Alumni FK UGM angkatan 1993 Nama Tempat Prektek  Klinik Avicenna Alamat Cempaka Raya no.29 kp.jatibulak Jam Praktek 08:00 sampai 21:30 Telpon 0896 4402 4445

Tahun BAru dan Keseimbangan Hidup

Ilmu keseimbangan  Ada siang ada malam  Ada matahari ada bulan  Ada Hijriah ada Masehi  Hijriah dengan bulan  Masehi dengan Matahari  Puasa dengan Bulan  Sholat dengan Matahari   Selamat merayakan malam Tahun Baru semoga menjadi penyemangat di Tahun 2018 Ditulis dr.ujang hermawan masih belum mandi sambil leyeh leyeh. 31 des 2017 jam 18 50 wib Melihat ke atas- Kembang Api

Happy New Year 2018 - Madiun

Selamat Tahun Baru 2018 Ketika masih remaja biasanya saya dan teman-teman cukup dengan bakar jagung atau apalah yang penting kumpul dan ada makanan. Hari selalu cepat berganti dan tahun berganti selama 365 hari dan bolehlah kalau kita menunggu pergantian baju atau tahun. Kali ini saya ke Madiun sambil mendolankan anak saya yang lagi liburan. Setelah sebelumnya berkaraoke.dan satu jam lagi pukul 00.00 wib maka kami memutuskan ke tengah kota. Mobil kami parkir di area luar Pesta Rakyat. Dan kami berjalan ke tengah kota,disana diadakan pesta Rakyat warga Madiun. Kmi berjalan menyusuri dari Mandiri madiun dan berhenti didepan Matahari Madiun Tiba lah saatnya pergantian Tahun Rampunglah sudah kemudian kami pulang dan anak-anak berfoto di mobil DAMKAR. Kemudian saya menemui Pak Polisi dan Di temui Kasatlantas AKP Sigit R Madiun dan anak juga berfoto dengan bpk AKP Sigit R termasuk dengan bapak TNI yang lagi berjaga. Terim Kasih Bapak-bapak TNI,POLRI,DAMKAR,HANSIP dan semuanya sehingga kami b

Karaoke - Pas Malam Tahun Baru

Malam Tahun Baru saya di MAdiun dan belum tahu rencana mau ngapain. JAlan tengah Kota Madiun di tutup untuk Pesta Rakyat Malam Tahun Baru. Setelah mandi dan sholat isya kemudian saya punya ide nyari pecel. KArena jalanan kota beberapa ditutup,akhirnya nyari pecel di depan Carefour MAdiun. Setelah bersantap sambil nunggu jam mending karaoke. Dua jam kami menyewa karoke dan sayangnya soundnya kurang mantap tapi gakpapalah. Kami keluar jam 11 selanjutnya apa? coba ada apa di suncity?karena lokasi karaoke juga di Sun city Madiun. Kemudian kami jalan dan setelah tengak tengok acaranya disitu, saya memutuskan keluar dan ke tengah kota saja

Telaga Ngebel Ponorogo - Nyopir Boat dan makan Durian

Telaga Ngebel berada di dataran tinggi di daerah Ponorogo. Dari Madiun arah ke Ponorogo dan belok kiri kalau lewat Dolopo. Lebih seru kalau sampai sana mengitari telaga dengan boat. Kemarin Harga sewa boatnya ada yang Rp 60.000 dan Rp 100.000. (tanggal 31 Des 2017) Saya memilih yang Rp 100.000 biar puas dan ditengah jalan saya di beri kesempatan untuk menyupir sendiri. Nah seru seru juga walaupun agak ngeri kalau agak kencengan sedikit Setelah memutari telaga kami beristirahat dan mencari warung. Kemudian pulang dengan rencana mampir nyari durian. Pas berangkat kami melihat jualan durian besar-besar dan kami berhenti di situ. Dan harga durian Rp 130.000 per dua buah. kami memilih 5 buah. Setelah puas kami pulang dan siap-siap nanti malam tahun baru

Profil dr Ujang Hermawan