Skin Cancer Exam - How to Do It by Yourself

Skin cancer is perhaps the most common type of cancer. It has been estimated that around one million people are diagnosed with the condition each year in the US alone. The good news is that the disease is treatable, especially when it is diagnosed in the early stages of the development of the tumor. For this reason, regular examinations are essential. It is perfectly possible for you to do a skin cancer exam by yourself, so that you can notice any abnormalities on time. Then you can readily have your physician perform a professional examination.

In order to do the skin cancer exam, you have to know what to look for. The skin cancer tumors closely resemble moles. However, they vary from regular moles in many ways. Your main goal is to identify any new skin growths, because tumors usually appear on unmarked spots.

The growths you are looking for are characterized by irregular edges. The boarder is not perfectly smooth, which is typical for regular moles. It is usually jagged. The color of the growth is not even. The cancerous mole can have darker or lighter areas of brown, black and/or tan. They can have a mosaic pattern.

A cancerous growth can closely resemble a sore or a blemish, so you should not miss to look for such abnormalities as well. You should also check any existing moles or skin growths, during your skin cancer exam. This is necessary since sometimes the cancer grows in these. You should be vigilant for any change in size, shape or color.

You have to examine every area of your skin for abnormal growths. You can start with the areas that you can clearly see, such as the front of the body, the arms and the front of the legs. Do not miss to check the underarm area as well. Then you can use a large and a small mirror to examine your back, neck, shoulders and the back of your thighs and calves. You should check your feet as well. Despite the common misconception, a tumor can develop on the skin of the head. That is why you should ask someone else to examine this area or use a blow dryer to get a clear view of the scalp.

If you spot any of abnormal growths during your skin cancer exam, you should touch them, but very gently. In some cases, the cancer moles can be crusting or oozing. As a result, any accidental tissue removal can be very painful.

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