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Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2022

Kegiatan di Kandang Menjangan Kartasura sewaktu saya masih kecil

anak saya ketika masih Balita Waktu tinggal di asrama Kandang Menjangan Kartasura kegiatan waktu kecil  1. Segala mainan anak-anak mulai bentik,gambar, sekolah sekolah ann,jelungpet, layangan dll  2. Dolanan meluncur Pakai tali tambang kemudian di taroh di pohon mangga terus siap meluncur... Ndilalah ada bocah di dekat dekate lama jatuh.. akhirnya provos keliling melarang bocah bocah dolanan luncuran.  3. Latihan pakai pisau komando. Ini dulu senang juga mainan pisau komando diarahkan ke pohon yang sudah dipasang sama bapak bapak.  4. CROSS COUNTRY Ini biasanya dolan saat nya tidur siang(Nek ibu kelihatan tidur kitanya main keluar), kadang ke lapangan tembak kemudian renang di kali di belakang asrama sampai susur desa.   5. Bikin markas markasan di rumput gajah belakang rumah. Di belakang rumah agak sanaan dikit ada Padang rumput yang lumayan luas. Jadi kita cah cilik waktu itu bikin markas dari rumput gajah tadi sampai juga bikin markas dari kandang wedos.  6.perang ketapel perang tul

Dengan Reels Facebook bisa di monetisasi atau menambah penghasilan

  Beberapa minggu lalu saya lebih aktif menggunakan reels di facebook dengan tujuan humor dan geprank teman dokter. Walaupun sebetulnya sebelumnya sudah ada 5 video reels.  Nah setelah 3 mingguan saya mendapatkan notifikasi dari facebook untuk monetisasi Reels saya. Pertama dapat notif saya cuekin saja dan tidak berminat. Dan baru malam ini saya coba membuka maksudnya apa? Setelah saya ikuti tautannya dari notifikasi tadi akirnya saya OK untuk gabung menjadi akun creator di Fb. Akun Facebook saya adalah akun pribadi atau bukan akun Halaman. Jadi bagi yang belum tahu kalau anda rajin mengupload reels dan nanti dapat notifikasi silahkan gabung saja. Syarat gabung ? saya sendiri tidak tahu hanya sebelumnya rajin saja bikin video reels. Dulu saya juga pernah dapat notifikasi kalau akun saya bisa ada centang hijau atau akun terverifikasi tapi saya malas juga kalau ada centang hijaunya. Nah ini akun Reels saya dan akun youtube

Nonton Video Shopee dan Ambil Vouchernya

  Dari Manajemen Kopi Cafea Dan Selaku Distributor Naturafit kami memberikan voucher yang tertera dalam video Shopee. Bagaimana caranya? Silahkan masuk ke Akun shopee lewat Handphone dan kunjungi Shopee Video kemudian di tab Pencarian Silahkan cari lia.me77 atau dokteru.official. Dua Toko ini yang lagi gencar Promo. untuk akun dokteru Official silahkan kunjung link ini   dan sebagai salah satu contoh Video Shopee dengan tertera voucher silahkan klik dibawah ini : Kemudian untuk video lainnya silahkan klik gambar Profil dan anda akan bisa melihat galeri videonya. Dokteru official klik dibawah ini :  Selamat berbelanja

Skin Cancer Exam - How to Do It by Yourself

  Skin cancer is perhaps the most common type of cancer. It has been estimated that around one million people are diagnosed with the condition each year in the US alone. The good news is that the disease is treatable, especially when it is diagnosed in the early stages of the development of the tumor. For this reason, regular examinations are essential. It is perfectly possible for you to do a skin cancer exam by yourself, so that you can notice any abnormalities on time. Then you can readily have your physician perform a professional examination. In order to do the skin cancer exam, you have to know what to look for. The skin cancer tumors closely resemble moles. However, they vary from regular moles in many ways. Your main goal is to identify any new skin growths, because tumors usually appear on unmarked spots. The growths you are looking for are characterized by irregular edges. The boarder is not perfectly smooth, which is typical for regular moles. It is usually jagged. The col

Skills To Pick Up When Blogging

  In order to make sure that you have a blog that will entertain people, you have to pick up some skills outside of writing. You have to be a little computer savvy in order to have a successful blog. Words alone aren't what always attract and keep people reading your blog. You have to make your blog look and sound appealing to people in order for them to want to visit it. Let this article assist you with figuring out what needs to be done outside of writing for your blog so that you can maintain a good reputation. You should be able to use programs like Photoshop a little bit. This is because you might want to put up images that people can look at. When you write part of creating a well structured piece of writing is creating an entire post that is both visually entertaining, and thought provoking at the same time. You want to be able to touch different senses with people in order for them to feel like they can make a real connection with you. So look up some Photoshop tutorials

Your Asthma Checkup: How To Go To It Prepared

Asthma is a serious medical attention, and having it means spending a lot of time getting to know your treatment options, asthma triggers and long term health needs. If you want to make the most of your life while living with asthma, it is important to go to every medical appointment prepared. This is the best way to stay involved in your treatment and make sure your doctor is adequately meeting your needs. Anytime you visit your physician, make sure you ask a lot of questions. Take the time to write down any concerns you have about medications, triggers or treatment options in advance. If you have recently heard about a new treatment option or natural remedy, ask your medical professional about it. Your doctor should spend a good amount of time listening to your needs and honestly answering your questions. This will help you to stay informed and make you feel proactive during your treatment. In addition to asking a lot of questions, it can be helpful to bring along a second set o